With the Current Economic State Five Earning Spdate Tips 2021

                                                  with the current economic state

 Five Earning Spdate Tips 2021

Everybody's looking to make at least one 

more income stream and in this video i'll share with you guys five ways that you can start a side hustle with literally zero money and there's no bs and no scamming tactics so let's jump right into it number one facebook marketplace so here's what i mean by that i guarantee right to this moment if you go to your house and you spend probably about an hour to two hours you're able to find some things that you don't need anymore and this could be a pair of sneakers this can be a backpack this can be an old gopro heck even me if i go now to a couple of the cubes that i have i can probably have at least a thousand dollars in all the equipment that i'm not using you know things like gopros and other old cameras that i'm not using them anymore or maybe lighting ormicro phones and things like that now i'm not saying that you may necessarily have like tech items but i guarantee there's something in your house it can be a blanket it can be anywhere from you know an armchair to an ottoman to a desk chair to even an old desk that you're not using or even some tools that maybe your parents are not using and i guarantee that you can flip them on marketplace and start making some money now don't get me wrong i'm not talking about you selling everything that your parents own or everything that you have in your house i'm just talking about things that you currently don't need anymore and i guarantee they're somewhere just hidden in your house and you're probably not paying attention to them but you know remember this somebody else is trash it's gonna be somebody else's treasure
so that's
super real and i guarantee that you have 
some items and actually flip them on marketplace number two finding things on craigslist for free and then flip them on facebook marketplace or actually flip them on craigslist into the selling part right into the selling portion of it so if you don't know craigslist has a place where you can actually find things completely for free so no bs there are people that give stuff for free and you know there's no limit to this like picture this last year when i was doing my second investment property renovation i literally gave away an entire pool like one of those pools that you have to build out outside and and the reason for that is you know it was pretty nasty sort of say but i didn't need it therefore i didn't want to spend money and i didn't want to spend time taking it apart right i mean it took about two days just to dry that bad boy out so all the water came out and then as soon as it was completely dry i just took a couple pictures i put them on both craigslist and marketplace and i gave it away for free and an old couple came they spent about three to five hours all together and they really put in some time and took it apart nicely like piece by piece and even the entire porch that was assigned to that pool they took that apart and they took it right now maybe they've used it for themselves maybe they actually flipped it back on craigslist or marketplace that's none of my business however you can see the point in here now second just about two days later um we were actually doing renovation on the yard so there were a lot of bricks anywhere from two to three hundred bricks that i had to get rid of what do you think i did i actually took some pictures and then i list them both on facebook marketplace and on craigslist and i've had three different people show up with some pickup trucks and they just fill up a couple trips they went back and forth and they grabbed them all right now some people needed those for construction purposes some people just needed it at home nonetheless you can actually use the same strategy to actually understand that hey people are giving stuff away for free and i can grab them take a couple pictures of it and then put them back onto the actual marketplace right don't get me wrong yes there are some people that will just give away completely trashy items that you won't be able to flip for cash however most likely if you need an extra side hustle you have time to put into this right and i know garyvee is a big proponent of this strategy and you probably have seen a lot of his trash talks and a lot of these trips to all of these garage sales now i don't know how many garage sales you can actually find now with the pandemic however if you go to craigslist and you actually type in free you'll be able to find a bunch of stuff that people are giving away anywhere from desks to furniture items to pianos to all kinds of like instrument anything that you can imagine now yes you do have to spend some time and what i found is usually at night if you go anywhere from 8 p.m to like midnight that's usually the time when people actually take photos of the stuff that they don't need anymore and they and they list them on craigslist for free you want to make sure you put a little bit of time into this so put a cup maybe half an hour at night and then another half an hour in the morning to grab those items and yes you will need to spend some time to actually go and pick them up take some photos of them and then put them back on facebook marketplace for people to come and buy them from you right so super powerful and it doesn't require any investment from you whatsoever it does require you to put in some time number three and this is one of my favorites so contacting local businesses for helping them with lead gen so lead generation essentially especially now in the middle of the pandemic i mean more businesses need more customers that's pretty much as simple as that right now i'm not saying that you spam these businesses and you start just offering your services no but you know pick a niche like for example realtors right what do realtors need they need to get in touch with other business owners and with other potential customers that may want to sell their house or maybe buy another house right so who can be the ideal customer right anyone at some point in time they'll need a house that they want to buy or they need a house that they want to sell right so what you can do is you can actually partner up with real estate offices for you to be their virtual assistant and start either answering to messages on their facebook pageum answering their google business listing messages maybe do some prospecting on yelp or even either facebook and instagram alone there's so many ways that you can do this and it doesn't require any type of investment from your end other than your time again you do have to start using linkedin and instagram to connect with these realtors and once you have one or two case studies everything becomes so much easier like once you start to generate some results for one of these guys next thing you're just gonna ask them for a video testimonial or or a simple review for them to regarding your services and how much you help them save time at the end of the day business owners like they wanna make more money but spend less time so that's what you're actually doing like you can be a virtual assistant for pretty much any type of local business and you can do data entry for them you can answer the emails you can be a customer customer service rep you can be their claims representative right like just answering questions over the phone or just listen to customers and then report back to the business owner right you can do prospecting on google facebook instagram linkedin twitter all of these other platforms now you want to take it a step further you can actually offer content creation for them right so for example they send you pictures and videos with their employees on on jobs like for example take an electrician or a plumber or a construction worker right they don't have time to go and actually edit videos and do all this but they know social media is important for them therefore what you do is you just ask them to take photos and videos with their phone so nothing crazy right like just using their own mobile device and then send it back to you and you can use you know free software like imovie and there's so many others like if you want to spend some money you can use camtasia but at first you can use you can just use simple imovie and a couple um apple device and a couple apps on your phone regardless if it's iphone or android and you can edit these videos and photos and then post them on their social media pages like they need they need more customers they know how important this is but they a lot of them and i would say 90 to 95 percent of them they don't know what is the simple process for them to do because think about this right an electrician a plumber a construction worker the cleaning company they make their money by providing services by them posting on their social media pages they feel like they're wasting time and the results are not going to happen right away but if you can be their virtual assistant and they can pay you you know anywhere from 10 to 15 20 bucks an hour doesn't matter like at first you may need to accept a lower hourly rate or lower per project rate just to get it going untilyou start getting some testimonials and some case studies that you can present to other people right now when is the time to raise your prices when you completely booked up when you realize like oh crap i'm not able to keep up with this anymore now you're able to actually you know increase your prices with 25 50 and now you're gonna lose some of the customers but the people that are gonna stick with you those are the people that you want to keep build momentum in your little business right into your in your freelance business and this takes me to point number four using fiverr so fiverr is the best place to start being a freelancer and you can start offering services like um thumbnail design video design logo design anywhere from video editing services or again being a virtual assistant for businesses all across us canada australia uk pretty much the entire world right like i have people that i hire from fiverr anywhere from india to afghanistan to europe to local here in us so it doesn't like it doesn't matter where you're from you can actually start offering services on fiverr now at first if you don't have any skills in this and and you don't know what to do i'll put in the description below a couple tutorials that i teach you step by step how to create a fiverr account how to start using camtasia how to start using canva because it's completely free to start editing photos and editing videos and making intros for people's businesses and therefore by doing that you're gonna be able to start gaining a skill and then monetizing by offering your services as a freelancer so it's super super easy to start it's literally zero money investment like you don't need to put any sort of credit card in there none of that like you do need a paypal account or something to get paid but you don't need anything to put down right and then number five up work upwork i consider a little bit on the higher end of the freelancing part so for example if you're already getting customers through fiverr and you know what you're doing and you feel comfortable in your service based business because now you're not just a freelancer now you're offering the service to other service-based businesses right like for example a construction company a renovation company the plumber the electrician the roofer the cleaning company they can all use your services therefore you just focus on making them more money by saving time and generating more more customers to them by helping them you know post on these different platforms and you know optimize whatever they have to optimize their posts their website pages and you'll see you can start with logo design some pers something super simple and easy to to do like a service that it doesn't require that much experience like you can literally learn logo design in a day like i'll put in the description below a tutorial that i did um on canva.com it's completely free i do all my youtube thumbnails i do all my all different businesses like now i have a va a virtual assistant that's doing all of these that i'm talking about but at first i did it myself and i did it for local businesses so for example my first transportation company then my wife had a cleaning company then the last salonthen my digital marketing agency and all of these i just learned how to use it completely from scratch like i had no experience however when i realized like oh crap the way that i make my money is making more sales calls therefore i need somebody that i can pay
10 15
bucks an hour and they can do these 
services for me because when i make a sales call and i close the deal over the phone or maybe i make a real estate investing part i don't want to spend time to just create a thumbnail because i can you know during that time i can make a much bigger impact and i can make more money by making a phone call and closing that deal over the phone you know what i mean so when you think about oh but why would somebody why would somebody pay me for these services well the reason that they would pay for these services is the fact that they make their money by providing their own services therefore they don't have time to just
posting on social or editing the thumbnail or anything you post on instagram and things like that right so i'm pretty sure you get the point now uh let me know in the comments if you used any of these platforms and if you actually started your site hustle let me know in the comments because i actually want to learn from you and don't go anywhere because in the next video coming up i actually put a
full tutorial
on how to get started on fiverr and
other ways that you can make money


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